سامانه جامع دانشگاه
سامانه پست الکترونیک
سامانه کتابخانه
سامانه آموزش مجازی

Ali Dabbagh

PhD in Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

Level of Education : PhD

Faculty :Humanities & Physical Education

Group :Department of Foreign Languages



Full Name: Ali Dabbagh

Email: alidabbagh@gonbad.ac.ir

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

Department: Foreign Languages


  • BA in English Language and Literature (Kharazmi University)

  • MA in TEFL and Applied Linguistics (Kharazmi University)

  • PhD in TEFL and Applied Linguistics (Kharazmi University)


External PhD Dissertation Reviewer for

The University of Adelaide


Editorial Board Member, Professional Discourse and Communication


Associate Editor, MEXTESOL Journal


English Text Editor, Classic Persian Literature


H-index: 11


Executive Responsibility



Supervisor of Talk Foreign Language School

(Children's Section)

June, 2012 – September 2014

Talk Foreign Language School, Gorgan, Iran

Head of International Relations Office

May 2014 – September 2018

Gonbad Kavous University, Iran

Member of the Study Committee of the Faculty of Humanities

June 2016 – September 2018

Gonbad Kavous University, Iran

Member of the Specialized Committee of Open and Virtual Education

November 2016 – September 2018

Gonbad Kavous University, Iran

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages

November 2017 – September 2018

Gonbad Kavous University, Iran

Executive Secretary of the Secretariat for Hosting Foreign Students

February and March 2018

Gonbad Kavous University, Iran

Examiner of the Scientific Ability of the General Subjects Department (English Language Department)

March 2024 till now

Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

Member of the Selected Committee of the Faculty of Humanities

May 2024 till now

Gonbad Kavous University, Iran

Member of the Reviewing Incentives Committee of the Faculty of Humanities

May 2024 till now

Gonbad Kavous University, Iran


Reasearch Areas

Cultural Linguistics

Intercultural competence and metacultural competence

Vocabulary acquisition and assessment/measurement

Journal Papers


Abbaszadeh, E. & Dabbagh, A. (2024). “You have no right!”: Conceptualizations of Iranian women in the dialogues and visuals of a local film. International Journal of Language and Culture. https://doi.org/10.1075/ijolc.00063.abb

Dabbagh, A., & Keshavarz, M. H. (2024). “To the Life of Your Child!”: Conceptualizations of Oath in a Persian Film from the Cultural Linguistics Perspective. Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, (), -. doi: 10.22055/rals.2024.45979.3224

Dabbagh, A. (2024). Book Review: Applied Cultural Linguistics:Trends, Directions, and Implications. Porta Linguarum Interuniversity Journal of Foreign Language Teaching , (42). Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/portalin/article/view/28957

Dabbagh, A., & Babaii, E. (2023). Representation of women in English and Persian proverbs: A Cultural-Linguistics perspectivePragmatics and Socioety, 15(6), 929-951.

Dabbagh, A., & Hashemi, M. R. (2023). Conceptualizations of gratitude: A comparative analysis of English and Persian dissertation acknowledgments written by Persian authors. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 43(2), 137-157.

Dabbagh, A. (2023). Book Review: Persian Linguistics in Cultural Contexts. Iranian Joural of Language Teaching Research. 11(2), 167-170.

Dabbagh, A., & Babaii, E., & Atai, M.R. (2023). Metacultural Competence and ELT Curriculum: The Case of Iranian Undergraduate ELT Program. International Journal of Language Studies, 17(1), 141-164.

Dabbagh, A., & Janebi Enayat, M. (2022). Comparing two measures of L2 depth of vocabulary knowledge using the association with vocabulary size. Journal of Language and Education8(3). Retrieved from https://jle.hse.ru/article/view/13422

Dabbagh, A., Babaii, E., & Atai, M.R. (2022). Exploring cultural schemas in foreign language education policy (FLEP) documents of Iran. Language Related Research, 13(3), 1-29.

Dabbagh, A., & Atai, M.R. (2022). Exploring cultural conceptuatlisations and metacultural competence in local EAP textbooks: A semiotic approach. Journal of Asia TEFL, 19(1), 141-162.

Dabbagh, A., & Babaii, E. (2021). L1 pragmatic cultural schema and pragmatic assessment: Variations in non-native teachers’ scoring criteria [Special Issue]. TESL-EJ, 25(1).https://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej97/a2.pdf

Dabbagh, A., & Safaei, A. (2019). Comparative textbook evaluation: Representation of learning objectives in locally and internationally published ELT textbooks. Issues in Language Teaching8(1), 249-277 

Dabbagh, A. & Janebi Enayat, M. (2019). The role of vocabulary breadth and depth in predicting second language descriptive writing performance. The Language Learning Journal, 47(5), 575-590

Dabbagh, A. (2017). The effect of dialogue journal writing on EFL learners' descriptive writing performance: A quantitative study. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Language, 6(3), 71-80. 

Dabbagh, A. (2017). Cultural Linguistics as an investigative framework for paremiology: comparing time in English and Persian. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 27(3), 577-595. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12162

Dabbagh, A. (2016). Gender representation under critical image analysis: The case of Iranian ELT textbooks. International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 4(4), 39-52.

Dabbagh, A. & Noshadi, M. (2016). Philosophy-based language teaching approach on the horizon: A revolutionary pathway to put applied ELT into practice. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 7(5), 1022-1028.

Dabbagh, A. (2016). The predictive role of vocabulary knowledge in listening comprehension: Depth or breadth? International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 4(3), 01-13.

Tajeddin, Z. & Dabbagh, A. (2015). Interlanguage pragmatic test tasks: Does a low-stakes test have washback to L2 teachers and learners? Journal of Asia TEFL, 12(4), 129-158.

Dabbagh, A. & Noshadi, M. (2015). An interpretation into the significance of ‘time’:  The case of English and Persian proverbs. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(12), 2581-2590.

Janebi Enayat, M., Davoudi,M.,  Dabbagh, A. (2015). Critical thinking instruction in Iran’s ELT curriculum: To be or not to be? International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 3(4), 29-41.

Noshadi, M. & Dabbagh, A. (2015). Metacultural competence: A benchmark for advances in applied ELT? Selected Papers of 2nd conference on Interdisciplinary Approached to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies, 52–62.

Dabbagh, A. & Noshadi, M. (2014). Crossing metacognitive strategy awareness in listening performance: An emphasis on language proficiency. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Englis Literature, 3(6), 234-242.

Atai, M.R., & Dabbagh, A. (2010). Exploring the role of vocabulary depth and semantic set in EFL learners’ vocabulary use in writing. Teaching English Language, 4(2), 27-49. 


Conference Papers

Dabbagh, A. (2024). Conceptualizations of ‘teacher’ and ‘learner’ in Iranian foreign language education policy documents: A conceptual metaphor analysis. Paper presented at 20th International TELLSI Conference: ELT Teacher Education in the Spotlight, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

Derakhshan, A., Dabbagh, A. & Shakki, F. (2018). Conceptualizations of homeland (vatan) in Rumi's poetry: A Cultural Linguistics study. Paper presented at 16th International TELLSI Conference: Futurology of English Language Teaching and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

Dabbagh, A. & Safai, A. (2018). Evaluating learning objectives in national and international ELT textbooks using Bloom's revised taxonomy. Paper presented at 16th International TELLSI Conference: Futurology of English Language Teaching and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

Dabbagh, A. (2018). Moving beyond communicative competence: Towards metacultural-based ELT materials. Paper presented at First National Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.

Dabbagh, A. (2017). WAT and VKS: Measuring depth but predicting breadth of vocabulary knowledge? Paper presented at IELTI-8 Conference, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

Noshadi, M. & Dabbagh, A. (2017). Dynamics of Change in Task-based Language Teaching Approach: Argumentative vs. Descriptive Writing Performance under Scrutiny. Paper presented at The Fourth ELT Conference: Novel Trends and Perspectives, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran.

Dabbagh, A. (2017). Adapting ELT curriculum in light of metacultural competence. Paper presented at The Fourth ELT Conference: Novel Trends and Perspectives, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran.

Janebi Enayat, M. & Dabbagh, A. (2017). The interaction between EFL students' breadth of vocabulary knowledge and the lexical richness of their descriptive writing. Paper presented at the Second National Conference on Challenges in Foreign Language Teaching in Iran, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.

Dabbagh, A. (2016). Introducing Cultural Linguistics as an investigative framework to analyze proverbs. Full paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Applied Research in Language Studies, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.

Dabbagh, A. & Kamali, H. (2015). Are trilinguals different from bilinguals? The case of Turkman EFL learners’ emotional intelligence and gender. Paper presented at The Third ELT Conference: Novel Trends and Perspectives, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehan, Iran.

Dabbagh, A. (2015). Life syllabus: An investigation into Iranian EFL stakeholders’ perceptions and Practices. Paper presented at the 2nd conference on Interdisciplinary Approached to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

Noshadi, M. and Dabbagh, A. (2015). Metacultural competence: A benchmark for advances in applied ELT? Full paper presented at the 2nd conference on Interdisciplinary Approached to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

Dabbagh, A. (2015). Is current practice in strict line with research findings? The case for depth of word knowledge in general English classes. Paper presented at the First National Conference on Challenges in Foreign Language Teaching in Iran, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.

Atai, M.R. and Dabbagh, A. (2011). Investigating vocabulary depth and semantic set in EFL learners’ vocabulary use in writing. Paper presented at the 9th International TELLSI conference in Ilam University.

Tajeddin, Z. and Dabbagh, A. (2010). Interlanguage pragmatic tests: Washback to teachers, learners and teaching program. Paper presented at 8th International TELLSI conference in Al-Zahra University.

Research Projects

Dabbagh, A. (2023). Cultural Linguistics and ELT Materials: Exploring Religious Conceptualizations in Iranian Locally-Developed Textbooks. Research project supported by Gonbad Kavous University, grant ID number: 6.02.36

Dabbagh, A., & Keshavarz, M.H. (2023). Conceptualizations of Oath in the Iranian Film Qasam: A Cultural-Linguistic Approach. Research project supported by Gonbad Kavous University, grant ID number: 6.01.97

Dabbagh, A. & Safai, A. (2020). Evaluation of Learning Objectives Using the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Case for New Iranian EFL Textbooks. Research project supported by Gonbad Kavous University, grant ID number:6.2001

Derakhshan, A., Dabbagh, A., Shaki, F. (2019). Cultural Linguistics and Poetry: A Case of Rumi’s Vatan (‘Homeland’). Research project supported by Golestan University, grant ID number: 981851

Dabbagh, A. (2017). WAT and VKS: Measuring Depth but Predicting Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge? Research project supported by Gonbad Kavous University, grant ID number: 6.503

Dabbagh, A. (2015). A Critical Image Analysis of Gender Representation in New Iranian Junior High School Course Books. Research project supported by Gonbad Kavous University, grant ID number: 6.585




First ranekd BA graduate

Fisrt ranked MA graduate

Fisrt ranked PhD graduate

Ranked 10 in PhD entrance exam in Iran

First ranked in the PhD interview exam in Kharazmi University, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and Isfahan University

 Member of National Elites Foundation of Iran 

Courses Taught

Current Courses

Introduction to Linguistics

Applied Linguistics

Research Preliminaries

Supplementary Materials Developmet

Phonetics and Phonology

Introduction to Sociolinguistics


Lecture Notes