سامانه جامع دانشگاه
سامانه پست الکترونیک
سامانه کتابخانه
سامانه آموزش مجازی

Dr. Raheleh Khanduzi

Applied Mathematics - Operations Research (Optimization)

Academic Rank: Associate Professor

Level of Education : PhD

Faculty :Basic Sciences & Engineering

Group :Mathematics and Statistics


B.Sc. in Mathematics, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran

M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (Operations Research), Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (Operations Research), Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran


Scientific IDs:


 Google Scholar





       Department of mathematics and statistics, Faculty of basic sciences and engineering,

             Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran, P. O. Box 49717-99151


Reasearch Areas

Linear and Nonlinear Optimization

Convex Optimization

Artificial Intelligence

Neural Networks

Fuzzy system

Soft Computing

Metaheuristics Algorithms

Combinatorial Optimization

Network Optimization

Mathematical Modelling

Facility Location Problem

Resource allocation

Service industry

System protection

Multiobjective optimization

Optimal Control


Journal Papers

1. A Hybrid Model based on Neural Network and Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Automotive Price Forecasting, Joint work with M. Reza Peyghami, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 3(3): 158-168, 2011.

2. Predictability and forecasting automotive price based on a hybrid train algorithm of MLP neural network, Joint work with M. Reza Peyghami, Neural Computing and Applications, 21(1): 125-132, 2012. Impact Factor : 4.664, ISI, Q1

3. Novel MLP neural network with hybrid tabu search, Joint work with M. Reza Peyghami, Neural Network World, 23 (3): 255-270, 2013. Impact Factor : 0.957, ISI, Q4

4. Solving Continuous Single-objective Defensive Location Problem based on Hybrid Directed Tabu Search Algorithm, Joint work with M. Reza Peyghami and H. Reza Maleki, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76(1-4): 295-310, 2015. Impact Factor : 2.496, ISI, Q2

5. Fuzzy interdiction / fortification location problems on p-median systems, Joint work with H. Reza Maleki, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 30 (3) 1283–1292, 2016. Impact Factor : 1.637, ISI, Q3

6. A novel hybrid algorithm for solving continuous single-objective defensive location problem, Joint work with H. Reza Maleki and R. Akbari, Neural Computing and Applications, 28 (11), 3323-3340, 2017. Impact Factor : 4.664, ISI, Q1

7. A directed tabu search method for solving controlled Volterra integral equations, Joint work with A. Ebrahimzadeh, Mathematical Sciences, 10 (3), 115-122, 2016, Impact Factor: 0.208, ISC, Q1

8. Data envelopment analysis and interdiction median problem with fortification for enabling IoT technologies to relieve potential attacks, Joint work with M. Reza Peyghami and A. Kumar Sangaiah, Future Generation Computer Systems, 79(3): 928-940, 2018. Impact Factor : 5.768, ISI, Q1

9. A modified teaching learning based optimization for optimal control of Volterra integral systems, Joint work with A. Ebrahimzadeh and M. Reza Peyghami, Soft Computing,  22(17): 5889-5899, 2018. Impact Factor : 2.784, ISI, Q2

10. A novel bilevel model and solution algorithms for multi-period interdiction problem with fortification, Joint work with H. Reza Maleki, Applied Intelligence, 48(9): 2770-2791, 2018, Impact Factor : 2.882, ISI, Q2

11. Two novel combined approaches based on TLBO and PSO for a partial interdiction/fortification problem using capacitated facilities and budget constraint, Joint work with H. Reza Maleki and R. Akbari, Soft Computing, 22(17): 5901-5919, 2018. Impact Factor : 2.784, ISI, Q2

12. A fast genetic algorithm for a critical protection problem in biomedical supply chain networks, Joint work with A. Kumar Sangaiah, Accepted for publication in Applied Soft Computing, 2018. Impact Factor : 4.873, ISI, Q1

13.Tabu search based on exact approach for protecting hubs against jamming attacks. Joint work with Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Accepted for publication in Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2019. Impact Factor: 2.189 , ISI, Q2

14. Optimal control of fractional integro-differential systems based on a spectral method and grey wolf optimizer. Joint work with Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh and Samaneh Panjeh Ali Beik, Accepted for publication in An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 2020, Scopus

15. Bi-level mathematical modeling of the location and fortification problem of hierarchical facilities with capacity and budget constraints under destruction conditions and solving it with genetic algorithm (In Persian). Accepted for publication in Modern Researches in Decision Making, 2020, Journal of Scientific and Research, ISC

16. Modeling a multi-objective defensive location problem with manufacturing cost and capacity and solving by an efficient cuckoo search algorithm (In Persian), Joint work with Hamid Reza Maleki , Accepted for publication in Journal of Operational Research In Its Applications, 2020, Journal of Scientific and Research, ISC

17. A spectral collocation method for computer virus spread case of delayed optimal control problem, Joint work with Mehdi Shahini and Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh, Accepted for publication in Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2021, Impact Factor:0.766, Q3, ISI

18. A new method for solving military equipment location problem to protect strategic sites using teaching learning based optimization, Accepted for publication in Journal of wargaming, 2021

19. Research on a collocation approach and three metaheuristic techniques based on MVO, MFO and WOA for optimal control of fractional differential equation, Joint work with Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh, Samaneh Panjeh Ali Beik and Dumitru Baleanu, Accepted for publication in Journal of Vibration and Control, 2021, Impact Factor:3.095, Q1, ISI

20. An efficient and robust hybrid metaheuristic method to solve a hierarchical bi-level protection-interdiction problem on real healthcare system, Joint work with Abdolmotalleb Rastegar, Accepted for publication in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2021, Impact Factor:3.310, Q2, ISI

21. Tabu search with simulated annealing for solving a location-protection-disruption in hub network, Joint work with Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Accepted for publication in Applied Soft Computing, 2021, Impact Factor: 8.263, Q1, ISI

22. Developing a Stackelberg security game for circular supply chain network, Accepted for publication in Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2022, Impact Factor: 4.08, Q2, ISI

23. An efficient recurrent neural network for defensive Stackelberg game. Joint work with Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Science, 2023, Impact Factor: 3.817, Q1, ISI

24. Coupling Chebyshev collocation with TLBO to optimal control problem of reservoir sedimentation, A Case study on Golestan dam, Gonbad Kavous City, Iran. Joint work with Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh and Zahra Ebrahimzadeh, Accepted for publication in Mathematics Interdiciplinary Research, 2023, Journal of Scientific and Research, ISC

25. A combined Bernoulli Collocation method and Imperialist competitive algorithm for optimal control of sediment in the dam reservoirs. Joint work with Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh and Zahra Ebrahimzadeh, Accepted for publication in AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 2023, Journal of Scientific and Research, ISC

26. A novel collocation method with a coronavirus optimization algorithm for the optimal control of COVID-19: A case study of Wuhan, China. Joint work with Amin Jajarmi, Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh and Mehdi Shahini, Accepted for publication in Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2024, Impact Factor: 7.7, Q1, ISI

27. Coronavirus Metamorphosis Optimization Algorithm and Collocation Method for Optimal Control Problem in COVID-19 Vaccination Model. Joint work with Amin Jajarmi, Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh, Accepted for publication in Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2024, Impact Factor: 2, Q1, ISI

28. A bilevel hierarchical covering model to protect a healthcare network against failures. Joint work with Ihsan Sadati, Vahid Akbari, Accepted for publication in Operational Research, 2024, Impact Factor: 2.3, Q2, ISI

29. Optimal control of water pollutant transmission‎ ‎ by utilizing a combined Jacobi collocation method and mountain gazelle algorithm. Joint work with Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh, Rasoul Mirabbasi, Elham Hashemized. Accepted for publication in Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization (IJNAO), 2024, Journal of Scientific and Research, ISC

30. Developing an imperialist competitive algorithm based on two improvement strategies in a hierarchical capacitated health network, Joint work with Ihsan Sadati, Accepted for publication in Neural Computing and Applications, 2024, Impact Factor: 4.5

31. A‎ ‎tri‎-level programming approach for location-fortification-interdiction in a hierarchical network. Accepted for publication in Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling (JAMM), 2025, Journal of Scientific and Research, ISC

32. Collocation Method with Flood-based Metaheuristic Optimizer for optimal control on a multi-strain COVID-19 model, Joint work with Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh and Amin Jajarmi, Accepted for publication in An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications, 2025. Impact Factor : 2.2, ISI, Q1

Activities for Scientific Journals :

1. Reviewer for IEEE Internet of Things Journal

2. Reviewer for IEEE Communications Magazine

3. Reviewer for Cluster computing

4. Reviewer for Mathematical sciences

5. Reviewer for Journal of AI and Data Mining

6. Reviewer for Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

7. Reviewer for Journal of Decisions and Operations Research

8. Reviewer for Applied Soft Computing

9. Reviewer for Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control

10. Reviewer for IEEE Access

11. Reviewer for Soft Computing

12. Reviewer for Journal of civil engineering and management

13. Reviewer for Mathematical problems in engineering

14. Reviewer for Reliability Engineering and System Safety

15. Reviewer for Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing

16. Reviewer for International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering

17. Reviewer for Journal of Vibration and Control

18. Reviewer for The Journal of Supercomputing

Conference Papers

1. Automotive price predictability survey and forecasting using Neural Network Non linear Model, 40th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 2009

2. Hybrid Tabu Search Algorithm for solving a nonlinear optimization problem, 3rd International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2010

3. A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Continuous Defensive Location Problem. 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Guilan University, Guilan, Iran, 2011

4. A New bi-objective Linear Model for Defensive Maximal Covering Problem on a Network. 2nd International Conference of Nonlinear Modeling & Optimization, Shomal Conference, Iran, 2012.

5. Modeling r-interdiction median problem with fortification in a fuzzy environment. 4th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Iran, 2015.

6. Presenting a new model for the optimization of the automotive industry supply chain with regard to budget constraint and sales price (In persian), First National Congress on Mathematics & Statistics, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran, 2018

7. Proposed a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for a interdiction median model in hierarchical facility location problem (In persian), Second National Congress on Mathematics & Statistics, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran, 2020

8. Integrating a grasshopper optimization algorithm with CPLEX for a bilevel median problem with client preferences, 4th National Conference on Soft Computing of Engineering Science in Industry and Society, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran, 2025

9. An application of multi-objective cheetah optimizer to solve the bi-objective p-hub median and dispersion problem, 4th National Conference on Soft Computing of Engineering Science in Industry and Society, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran, 2025

Activities for Scientific Conferences:

1. Review committee member: 9th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran, 2016

2. Review committee member: Second National & First International Conference on Soft Computing, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran, 2017

3. Executive and review committee member: First National Congress on Mathematics & Statistics, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran, 2018

4. Review committee member: Second National Congress on Mathematics & Statistics, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran, 2020

5. Executive committe chairman: First National Conference on New Approaches of Management in Interdiciplinary Studies, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran, 2020





Research Projects

1. National Project. Research Grant, Iran Khodro Company, Tehran, Iran

Collaborators: Mohammad Reza Peyghami and Mohammad Reza Nazabadi

Project executor with title “Automotive Sales Price Forecasting at Iran Khodro Company Using Data Mining and Neural Networks” which was done for Iran Khodro Company.

2. University Project. Research Grant, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran

Collaborator: Arun Kumar Sangaiah

Project executor with title “Protection strategies of supply chain and hub networks under deliberate disruption”

3. University Project. Research Grant, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran - Golestan University, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran

Project executor with title “Design of hierarchical bilevel models under protection and interdiction operations for health care systems”

Collaborator: Abdolmotaleb Rastegar

4. University Project. Research Grant, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran- Regional Water Company of Golestan, Gorgan, Iran

Project executor with title “An optimal control approach for sediment management in the reservoirs of dams”

Collaborators: Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh-Zahra Ebrahimzadeh

5. University Project. Research Grant, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Golestan, Iran

  Project collaborator: numerical solution of the optimal control problem of information diffusion for users of mobile networks

Executor: Mehdi Shahini

Collaborator: Asyieh Ebrahimzadeh

6. National Project. Research Grant, Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), Tehran, Iran

Collaborator: Mir Ehsan Hesam Sadati

Project executor with title Application of mathematical models in locating health facilities, Case study: Health care network of Golestan Province





Thesis title: Automotive Sales Price Forecasting at Iran Khodro Company Using Data Mining and Neural Network

Thesis Supervisors: Dr.  M. Reza Peyghami & Dr. M. Hashemi Parast

Thesis Advisor: Dr. F. Ghoreishi


Thesis title: Vulnerability Analysis of a Network Against Attacks and Dangers by Defensive Location and Interdiction/Fortification Models

Thesis Supervisor: Dr .H. Reza Maleki

Thesis Advisor: Dr. R. Akbari



Book and Book Chapter

Book Chapter:

1. Designing a  cooperative hierarchical  model  of  interdiction median problem with protection and its solution approach-A case study of health care network, Accepted for publication in book "Intelligent IoT Systems in Personalized Health Care",  January 2021, Joint work with Abdolmotalleb Rastegar


Ranking number two among classmates, Faculty of Mathematics, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran

Ranking number one among classmates, Faculty of Mathematics, Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Partaking in 30th and 31th Iran Mathematics Competitions


Weekly Schedule

Weekly Schedule : Second Semester 2024-2025












Study and Research

Troubleshooting for students

Troubleshooting for students

Pray and Lunch

Operations Research 2

Operations Research 2


Study and Research 

Troubleshooting for students

Troubleshooting for students

Pray and Lunch

Operational Research 2 (Odd)-Operations Research 2 (Even)

Operations Research 2-Odd


Study and Research

Study and Research

Study and Research

Pray and Lunch

Troubleshooting for students

Operational Research 2


Study and Research

Study and Research

Study and Research

Pray and Lunch

Study and Research

Study and Research


Study and Research

Study and Research

Study and Research

Pray and Lunch

Study and Research

Study and Research


Study and Research

Study and Research

Study and Research

Pray and Lunch

Study and Research

Study and Research




Courses Taught

Operations Research I, II, III

Operational Research I, II

Linear Optimization

Nonlinear Optimization

Discrete Mathematics

General Mathematics I,II,III

Basic Mathematics

Introductory Mathematics

Mathematics and its Application to Management I, II

Engineering Statistics and Probability


Lecture Notes